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Issuance of certificates(Kor,Eng)

Home > Academic affairs > certificates > Issuance of certificates(Kor,Eng)

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Certificate type

  • Korean : Transcript, Registration, Graduation, Graduate-to-be, Leave of absence, Completion, School registration, Payment of tuition
  • Eng : Transcript, Registration, Graduation, Graduate-to-be, Leave of absence, School registration, Completion

Issue via Internet(Instant issue)


제증명(국문,영문)발급 인터넷(즉시발급) 증명발급 정보
Place of issuance Every place where apply and print on Internet is available.
Access Time 24hours
Estimated time Instantly
Charge Commission(1,000krw for the first copy, when adding, 500krw per copy) + Certification fee(Korean : 500krw per copy, English : 1,000krw per copy)

① Access Internet certificate issuance on the college homepage or Student service center(Instant issue) Internet certificate issuance

② Enter name, social ID and login

③ Print test for issuing certificate

④ Enter school register data of the person who wants to issue the certificate

⑤ Choose type of certificate and number of copies.

⑥ Confirm the application and charge

⑦ Choose the way of payment and make payment

⑧ Print the certificate

Other detail

① 83학번을 포함한 그 이전 입학자까지는 당시의 자료가 전산처리 되어 있지 않아 인터넷 증명발급이 불가능하오니 양해하여 주시기 바랍니다.

② 인터넷 증명과 관련된 문의가 있을 경우 다몬이지서티 고객지원센터(1644-2378)로 문의하여 주시기 바랍니다.

Issuance via registered mail(post)


제증명(국문,영문) 발급 등기(우편) 증명발급 정보
Place of issuance Every place where apply and print on Internet is available.
Access Time Through out the year
Charge Korean 500krw per copy English 1,000krw per copy  
Delivery charge Domestic fast registered mail Express Mail Service(EMS) Air Mail

25g  Basic standard : 2,260krw

50g  Nonstandard   : 2,350krw

Over 50g : + 120krw added 

 * Minimum charge(based on 300g)

America : 24,000krw

Canada : 26,500krw

Australia : 20,500krw

Philippine : 15,200krw

Japan, China : 20,000krw

For other areas, contact the department of student support

* Minimum charge(based on 100g)

America, Canada, Australia : 2,630krw

Philippine : 1,860krw

Japan, China : 1,740krw

For other areas, contact the department of student support

Estimated time Delivered the next day(except for Jeju Island)

At least(Japan, China, etc.) 2~3 days.

Up to 1week.

America, Canada, Australia : About two weeks

Japan, China, Philippine : About 10 days


① Access registered mail(post) from I-CAMPUS on the college homepage.

② Apply for egistered mail(post)

③ Send commision charge

④ Certificate sent after confirming the payment

Other detail

① Name of the applicant and payment name must be the same to be confirmed

② Mail will be sent by express delivery, and if you are absent the mail will be sent back and you need to pay for return.

Issuance via Certificate Issuing Machine

제증명(국문,영문) 발급 증명서자동발급기 증명발급 정보
Issuing place 1st floor of the Main Building, entrance of Student Service Center Process
Access Time 9:00 ∼ 22:00 (Open 365 days a year)
Estimated time Instantly
Charge Korean 500krw per copy English 1,000krw per copy

① Enter social ID

② Choose type of certificate and number of copies

③ Insert the charge

④ Certificate issued

Other detail

① When issuing certificate in English, if English name is not registered of different from passport or other attached document, correct on I-CAMPUS.

Issuance of civil petition via FAX

제증명(국문,영문) 발급 FAX민원 증명발급 정보
Issuing place every City,gun,gu,eup,myeon,dong office, public servive center and Internet(e-Government homepage)
Access time During semesters During holidays
Weekdays 09:00~17:00 Weekday shorten work hours applied.
※ Closed on weekends, national holidays and school anniversary.
Estimated time about 3 hours
Charge Issuance commission(number of copies x 300krw) + Processing charge(type x 1,000krw)

① Can request for civil petition anywhere from above

② Issue at the college Student Service Center and send by FAX

③ Processing condition can be checked after applying

④ Petitioner receives from self-designated administrative agency

Other details

① When requesting for English certificates enter the same name as passport or other attached documents.

Posting civil petition

제증명(국문,영문) 발급 민원우편 발급 정보
Issuing place Post office nationwide
Access time Weekday 9:00 ∼ 17:00
※ losed on weekends, national holidays and school anniversary.
Estimated time About 3-5 days
Charge Korean 500krw per copy + 우편료 English 1,000krw per copy + 우편료

① Fill the application for civil petition mail.

② Write address for receive on the return envelope.

③ Put the charge in the return envelope in cash and apply

Other details

① 영문증명서 신청 시 여권이나 기타 첨부할 서류와 동일한 영문명을 반드시 기재하여 주시기 바랍니다.

※ 주소 : (우) 03656 서울시 서대문구 가좌로 134  명지전문대학 본관 207호 학생지원부

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