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School of Business and Social Science

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School of Business and Social Science

School of Business and Social Science aims to cultivate highly qualified professionals in the business field based on a sound theoretical basis. The school aims for acquiring practical busi¬ness skills through getting systematically and generally a good education which is based on theoretical and practical methods and training in order to be competent persons and then contributing to social progress through the course.

Business Administration

The Department of Business Administration provides high quality, interdisciplinary, educational programs that integrate theory and practice in a systematic way through a combination of academic coursework and applied practice. The courses cover the complete plan-do-see process of management and include the functional disciplines of personnel management, marketing, financial manage¬ment, accounting, MIS, business strategy and implementing case studies on the basis of theory, discussion presentation. Graduates proceed into management positions in manufacturing, dis¬tribution, finance and service industries, and so forth.

Tax Accounting

The educational goal of the Department of Tax Accounting is to cultivate accountants such as Certified Public Accountants and Certified Public Tax Accountants through teaching financial accounting, tax accounting and accounting information processing regarding practical busi¬ness affairs required in accounting firms. The curriculum for department specialization is divided into accounting and taxation. In addition, the department provides students general, human-natured disciplines to improve their abilities as professional employees in all walks of relevant tax accounting fields.

Real Estate Management

After 1997 financial crisis took place, real estate market has been shifted from old fashioned brokerage and appraisal to global standard brokerage and appraisal. And new industries like real estate development, real estate management and real estate investment are emerging. In accordance with this new trend, curriculum is rearranged and is specialized to 4 fields(real estate brokerage, real estate appraisal and valuation, real estate development, asset manage¬ment). Students will be trained as capable and qualified specialists in the real estate industry and activities such as brokerage, appraisal, management, development, consulting, invest¬ment, tax, law, etc.

Social Welfare

The Department of Social Welfare has an object to foster leading social workers needed in the advanced welfare society. All the programs are designed to educate students in the most up-to-date knowledge of social welfare through practice research and field education. Students are expected to gain general knowledge of social policies and practices, and also to experience supervised fieldwork in various social welfare agencies.

Public Administration

The goal of this department is to produce capable administrative manpower to cope with the age of local autonomy and information by teaching practical field work and professional knowledge of public administration.

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