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Home > Academic affairs > Academic information > Curriculum

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Curriculum of the College is classified as general course, major course, teaching course, elective course. Credits required for graduate are more than 80credits for 2-year diploma, more than 120credits for 3-year diploma. Details follows each department's administration plan.

Curriculum due to graduation requirement

업요건에 따른 교육과정
section general course major course elective course graduation credit

2-year diploma

general necessary(4 classes)
- chapel(p)
- bible and life(2)

- Pratical English(2)

- communication skills(2)

over 8credits including above

over 60 credits

different major

over 80credits

free choice

3-year diploma

general necessary(4 classes)
- chapel(p)
- bible and life(2)

- ratical English(2)

- communication skills(2)

over 12credits including above

over 86 credits

different major

over 120credits

free choice

General course

General course is essential course for the College education that helps to develop basic knowledge for major course, to leap as a whole person and to have values qualification for democratic citizen.
This general course requires to complete 8credits for 2-year-course department and 12credits for 3-year-course department that includes general necessary and communication skill subjects. In case of intensive major course, 1-year-course requires more than 6credits including 3credits from general necessary subjects and 3credits from vocational competency subjects. 2-year-course requires more than 9credits including 3credits from general necessary subjects and 3credits from vocational competency subjects.

The main course Advanced major process
2-year diploma 3-year diploma 1-year diploma 2-year diploma
over 8 credits over 12 credits over 6 credits over 9 credits

Major course

Major courses are the core subjects and base for major field of study and is made up with theory, experiment and performance. In this course , in case of placement required departments, more than 60 credits for 2-year-diploma and 86 credits for 3-year-diploma is needed. Major course in intensive major course, over 18 credits are required for 1-year-course and over 42 credits are required for 2-year-course.

The main course Advanced major process
2-year diploma 3-year diploma 1-year diploma 2-year diploma
over 60 credits over 86 credits over 18 credits over 42 credits

Elective course

Free to choose among other department's major courses within credits for graduation

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