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School of Language, Literature and Education

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School of Language, Literature and Education

School of Language, Literature and Education consists of six departments: English, Chinese, Japanese, Creative Writing, Youth Development and Education, and Early Childhood Educa¬tion. Each department aims to acquire the international mindset through academic festivals, study trips, and study abroad programs. It also makes a constant effort to accept second foreign languages as necessary elements not optional subjects suitable for their interests and aptitude in modern society. Especially, Youth Development and Education and Early Childhood Educa¬tion are the pride of our school because Youth Development and Education has cultivated as ingenious and special leaders who help young people to seek self-fulfillment and Early Child¬hood Education has fostered as early childhood education professionals and the employment rate is up as well.


The Department of English meets the demands of the 21st century for high standards of English communication competence in all industries in the international fields of trade, service and tourism. In Korea, there is a great need to improve the English language skills of all workers in these industries, particularly in terms of practical communicative ability, and with this goal, the department focuses on training the students in the basic four skills.


China, which is now taking center stage in the 21st century world politics and economy, has already equipped itself with diverse requirements for its persistent, stable future growth such as WTO entry in 2001, Western Region Development Strategy in 2000, 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, 2010 Shanghai World EXPO, etc. And also China has pushed out the U.S. and has become both of Korea’s largest trade partner and prime target for foreign investment. Accord¬ingly, rapidly progressing international exchange with China has been accompanied with the growing demand for Chinese-speaking specialists in various fields.

Therefore, to meet the demand, the Department of Chinese runs a one semester study abroad program in one of its Chinese sister colleges for Chinese communicative competence, pro¬vides students with mainly native speakers’ lecturing conversation and writing classes, and, by intensifying practical affairs-centered education, aims to foster specialists in China who are equipped with Chinese communicative competence and the competency in practical affairs, both of which are needed in the various industrial fields in China or Chinese-speaking arena.


The partnership between Korea and Japan is opening the era of peace and prosperity in northeast Asia in the 21st century, and it is expected to further grow and develop. In this context, the department of Japanese has an educational goal in improving Japanese language ability and raising competent experts to show their ability in various fields including culture, tourism and trade with a knowledge of Japan and administrative work capabilities.

Creative Writing

The Department of Creative Writing educates basic theories on competent expression of logi¬cal thought, descriptive competence, language use and sentence construction. Based on the tradition of national literature, students are educated in the process of creating both literary works and efficient writing business through a harmonious study of whole literary theory, practical training and analysis of notable literary works.

Early Childhood Education

The Department of Early Childhood Education aims at cultivating professionals in the field of early childhood education who can actively adapt to and cope with the rapidly unfolding recent trends in early childhood education toward the twenty-first century. Through profes¬sional training in both theories and practices, our curriculum provides visions and strategies for developing creativity and morality as a whole person.

Youth Development and Education

The Department of Youth Development and Education mainly aims to raise profes¬sional lifelong educators, youth leaders and counselors, whom are essential to the Korean society. For this, the department firstly provides such curriculum that cultivates professional knowledge, leadership and educational philosophy required for the lifelong facilitator and youth leader. Secondly, it also provides the workplace related curricu¬lum focusing upon hands-on experience such as internship and practical training, which are required in a rapidly changing society.

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