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Expulsion / Drop out

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There are expulsion due to not retuning, not registering and not re-registering. When these issues are occurred, taking courses are suspended. Drop out is to quit courses by student's own will. The tuition will be refunded after deduction according to the [Regulation of College Tuition].


1. Expulsion : Suspend taking courses in situation corresponds to expulsion.

  1. a. Expulsion for not returning : Not returning on predetermined semester.
  2. b. Expulsion for not registering : Not paying the tuition fee.
  3. c. Expulsion for not re-registering : Not re-registered un-graduated students

2. Drop out : Quitting courses by student's will


  • Issue drop out application and explanatory(Department office) → Certification by next of kin and academic advisor(Visit department) → Submit drop out application
    (Student support center, Main building 1F)

Drop out application

  • Drop out application, Explanatory, Tuition refund application, copy of bankbook to onself(if there are tuition fee to be returned)

Tuition fee refund

  1. 1. No refund for expelled student. Though, due to Ministry of Education, Science and Technology act [Regulation of College Tuition], those expelled for not retuning, will receive refund after deduction according to the number of school days.
  2. 2. The drop-outs will receive refund after deduction according to the number of school days according to the [Regulation of College Tuition]

Refund standard of tuition and registration fee (article 6 section 2 related)

  1. 1. If the refund situation has occurred before the beginning of semester(entrance day for freshmen), return full amount of pre-paid fee.
  2. 2. If the refund situation has occurred in the middle of semester, entrance fee will not be returned and tuition fee will be returned due to the standards below. Thus, according to the article 4 section 1, if tuition fee has been pre-paid for more than 2 semesterstuition fee for the situation-occured semester will be returned according to the standards below, and tuition fee for the rest of semesters will be fully returned.
제적/자퇴 수업료 또는 입학금의 반환기준(제6조제2항관련) 정보
Situation occurred date Refund
30 days from the start date of the semester 5/6 of the tuition fee
30 to 60 days from the start date of the semester 2/3 of the tuition fee
60 to 90 days from the start date of the semester 1/2 of the tuition fee
Over 90 days from the start date of the semester Not returned
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