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Home > About MJC > History > 1980s

College that makes me an expert,
my new growth power plant, future action with Myongji!


  1. 1981. 12.
    • Commendation by the President (promote new village movement)
  2. 1982. 02.
    • Relocation college (Seodaemun gu Namgwadong 50-3)
  3. 1983. 02.
    • Commendation by Minister of culture and education (College evaluation)
  4. 1983. 10.
    • Dr. Eungho Lee inaugurated as the 2nd president of the college
  5. 1984. 06.
    • Commendation by Minister of culture and education (College evaluation)
  6. 1987. 11.
    • Dr. Jinbong Kim inaugurated as the 3rd president of the college
  7. 1988. 05.
    • Bachelor degree work On-line computerized
  8. 1989. 02.
    • Dr. Yeontaek Jung inaugurated as the 4th president of the college
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